The SCA Team

Haris Tareen

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Melinda Schwartz

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Airon Wallace

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Charles Browning

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Melinda Schwartz

"Neil? What does NFAAF mean?" I yelled across the house after Neil added me to a gun page he'd become a fan of. And so began my downward spiral into a myth filled land full of gun porn, silencers and machine guns.

I've lived in Texas my whole life and started hunting with my dad and uncle when I was young. My body count started around 9 years old when I got my first deer, and I've been successful at taking dozens of deer, hundreds of hogs and some predators and exotics along the way.

I moved down south for college and enter Neil (I need a drink for this...) Neil does guns. He didn't necessarily hunt but he did guns. In fact the first time he shot anything was our first date and he took me deer hunting. After a couple years of buying and selling guns and talking with his ever growing list of gun friends, Neil decided he needed a silencer.

I didn't even know silencers were regulated. Tax stamps and wait times seemed like a huge infringement on freedom. But down the rabbit hole we went. And when we emerged we had not one but 2 cans, a .30 cal and .22. And it went from there. The silencers obviously needed more than one gun to go to, then the next step was "No...every gun needs its own silencer" and 2 cans multiplied to 5. And somewhere in between came two SBR's in .223 and 9mm.

My first solo stamp came last year. I've always referred to Neil as my Clyde and he often calls me Bonnie. My father is actually the one who suggested I needed a whippet. I went and picked out a Browning A5 (not historically accurate, yes I know) and it was out of budget. I cried (no joke. In the middle of the SAXET gun show) and subsequently received said Browning for my 5 year anniversary present last year. The next morning the engraving was done and the stamp was mailed off (longest 4 months of my life). It came back a few weeks ago and was immediately chopped the next morning. I still have to work on the stock... But that hasn't stopped me from buying a Remington Model 11. It should be here soon. That one will be a true Bonnie Parker whippet. SB all the things!

I've been to a few machine guns shoots. And nothing can top the first time you pull the trigger on a MG. It's not called the 'giggle switch' for nothing. And that... That's how I've slowly gone broke delving into the world of NFA items. My savings account is already crying at the thought of MG.