The SCA Team

Haris Tareen

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Melinda Schwartz

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Airon Wallace

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Charles Browning

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Charles Browning

I got my start thanks to the mythical "Class 3 license" back around 2002. Someone told me I could get my license and buy any machine gun I wanted so I started researching what it was going to take to get mine. Turns out there's no such thing and I started learning about the Hughes Amendment and the NFA and what is actually involved in owning National Firearm Act items. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't afford to actually get involved in stamp collecting so instead I read about it constantly looking for new information about the laws. Fast forward 10 years to my very first purchase and I went from zero stamps to four in a single transaction with my first four silencers. From there the collection has grown and I've never stopped trying to learn more and more about the hobby.

Thanks to my years of research I discovered I had a knack for answering questions and helping people get involved in the NFA world so I've made it my own personal mission to get people started without having to go through as much homework as I did. Along the way I have managed to help bring many people into the community and hope to bring many more in as the years progress. Long term the more people involved the more mainstream these items will become and the better our chances of seeing them dregulated.